What is a smoothie?

Lifestyle Blog
2 min readJul 15, 2020



They are hip and packed with fruit and vegetables. You see them everywhere. In the supermarket and at the juice bar, as a quick meal on the go or as a healthy breakfast in the early morning. And if you want to lose weight, they are a good addition to your diet. But what exactly is a smoothie?

In its simplest form, a smoothie is a puree of fruit or raw vegetables, with the addition of a liquid. Usually it is a combination of different fruits, with a dairy product such as yogurt and ice cream. By using a blender, the fruit turns into a milkshake-like puree. And because the whole fruit is used, it retains all its nutrients. Because of this completeness, a smoothie is a good replacement for a small meal.

Smoothie or juice

A smoothie is different from a fruit or vegetable juice. Juice is what you get when you squeeze fruit or vegetables with a juicer, for example. You separate the elements, leaving only a liquid. You do not use the fibers, the harder parts of fruit and vegetables. Juice is a drink, but a smoothie is a meal. For a smoothie, use a blender. This purees the fruit or vegetable. This way you keep all fiber. You can also add other ingredients such as proteins, good fats and multiple carbohydrates. This makes a smoothie a full-fledged and more varied food source than juice. In addition, your fibers absorb the sugar in the smoothie slower and you feel satisfied longer than when drinking a juice.

Fruit or green smoothie

The Organifi Green Juice smoothies are roughly divided into two different types. Fruit smoothies and green smoothies. Below we list the differences for you.

Fruit smoothie

Fruit smoothies mainly contain a lot of fruit. You can make different combinations by mixing in taste, color and structure. Because it mainly contains fruit, a fruit smoothie also contains more sugar. It is possible that your body absorbs the sugar faster because you drink too quickly. This can cause your blood sugar to rise quickly, which increases the chance of a sugar dip. You long for sweets. You can prevent this by putting less fruit in your smoothie and replacing it with vegetables. You then make a green smoothie.

Green smoothie

The green smoothie, as the name says, contains more vegetables than fruit. And in particular more green leafy vegetables such as cauliflower, spinach and chard. By using these vegetables, you increase the number of fibers and decrease the amount of sugar. This gives you a longer feeling of satisfaction and less chance of a sugar dip.



Lifestyle Blog

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